The country is gearing up for Dubai Expo 2020 and amid concerns about Covid-19's affect on the mega event to be held in October of this year, the organisers issued a response on Sunday to highlight its preparedness:
'Alongside the government of the UAE, we are working hard to adapt to unfolding events surrounding the spread of Covid-19. The health and well-being of everyone involved in Expo 2020 and everyone living in and visiting the UAE is our top priority and will not be compromised. Like many governments around the world, the UAE authorities have taken a range of robust, precautionary measures to contain the spread of the virus.
Looking after our teams
In common with other organisations, Expo 2020 Dubai is closely monitoring ongoing developments and taking all sensible precautions to manage and mitigate the risk to all those involved in the Expo. We will be diligently following the latest guidance from the Dubai Health Authority, Ministry of Health and Prevention, and World Health Organization, as we work closely with the International Bureau of Expositions in Paris and other relevant bodies as the situation around the world evolves.
A time for unity
Solidarity and unity are in greater demand than ever. It has been heartening to see communities around the world facing this challenge together. In the spirit of collaboration and partnership, we are consulting closely with all 192 participating countries, and will continue to provide them with tangible, meaningful support.
Expo's plans
We will remain attentive and alert and will virtually reconvene the Expo 2020 Steering Committee in the coming weeks to reassess and adjust planned preparations, as changing circumstances require. We are confident that the collective strength and incredible resilience of the human spirit will enable us to navigate through these most difficult of times.'