Once again for 2021, the Middle East Facility Management Association (MEFMA) has exceled internationally through its Corporate Member, Dubai Silicon Oasis Authority (DSOA) who have won the “Platinum Award of Excellence in FM 2021”, the first ranked global award within the FM industry, of the “Global FM Awards of Excellence”. Nevertheless, ENGIE Solutions (MESCATA), which is MEFMA’s Strategic Member, have also gained the “Highly Commended Award of Excellence in FM 2021”.
The awards came in line with the World FM Day which was held this year under the theme: “Celebrating FM – Standing Tall Beyond the Pandemic”, and MEFMA Members have gained a total of two rankings out of five. This assure MEFMA’s commitment in achieving its ethos and objectives, besides the challenges the world has been facing throughout the past year.
The “Global FM Awards of Excellence” is an annual recognition hosted by Global FM, an international FM association established on 17 May 2006 that joins together the globe’s leading FM Associations to achieve their worldwide common FM objectives. The award is categorized from highest to lowest as such, the “Platinum Award of Excellence in FM 2021” won by MEFMA, “Gold Award of Excellence in FM 2021” went for The Institute of Workplace and Facilities Management (IWFM), “Silver Award of Excellence in FM 2021” gained by Associação Brasileira de Facility Management, Property e Workplace (ABRAFAC), and Two Highly Commended Award of Excellence in FM 2021 that were won by The South African Facilities Management Association (SAFMA) and MEFMA respectively.
“It is not of a surprise for MEFMA to achieve this global and remarkable success through its members. I would like to appraise the continuous efforts of Dubai Silicon Oasis Authority and ENGIE Solutions (MESCATA) in leveraging the Middle Eastern FM industry and raising MEFMA’s name in the globe. It is with pride that DSOA has won the highest rank among all nomination from the world, in addition to the outstanding recognition of ENGIE Solutions (MESCATA). Regardless of the challenges we have been facing, MEFMA has been and will always be steadfast to develop the industry and boost the market’s sustainability,” Alsuwaidi said.
Eng. Khalil Shalan, Senior Vice President - Operations and Facility at DSOA, said, “We are pleased to receive this supreme accolade from Global FM Awards of Excellence. The award reinforces DSOA’s commitment to providing world-class services and solutions for its residents and business partners. Since DSO’s inception, we have always been keen to promote and adapt best-in-class FM and environmental practices and initiatives.”
Eng. Khalil added, “This recognition is also a true testament to our ongoing efforts in implementing key initiatives –utilizing the latest smart and AI enabled solutions - that are aligned with the Dubai Clean Energy Strategy 2050 which aims to promote energy efficiency while cutting down operational costs - thereby helping to fulfil the UAE’s ambition to reduce its carbon footprint."
In line with the World FM Day celebration, MEFMA held a webinar, in which Eng. Ali Alsuwaidi, Global FM Vice Chairman and MEFMA Vice President, launched with his opening remarks and announced the winners of the “Global FM Awards of Excellence”. Then followed Alsuwaidi, Francisco Ramalheira, SVP (BD & Marketing), Enova, who also discussed sustaining the growth through digitalized FM.
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